Advanced Interpretive Writing for Technical Publications,
Interpretation Journal Research Articles and for Related Professional Publications.

13 Units, 3 CEU Credits
As an Associate Editor for the Journal of Interpretation Research (for the National Association for Interpretation) and Editor of InterpNEWS, the International Heritage Interpretation e-Magazine, I receive, read and critique a lot of research papers and technical articles. And the one thing I keep seeing is a lack of authors understanding in how to plan, organize and write advanced interpretation articles, especially ones reflecting interpretive research studies (M.S. and Ph.D thesis and dissertations) and related visitor studies research. This course was developed to help new technical publication writers/authors receive a good overview of just how to organize and present their project research results, technical papers on related studies or new technology, or related articles for professional publications. Participants can work on actual articles or papers destined for submission for publication and receive expert editorial advice and critiquing of their article as part of the courses "benefits" to participants.
Note: These unit topic area can be adjusted for individual participants depending on the type of publication you are developing (research vs. new technology article vs. new program or service analysis at your site).
First - Visit with me here on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J9bEYdO9JeU
Course Instructor: Prof. John Veverka

- B.S and M.S in Heritage Interpretation - The Ohio State University
- Ph.D. program in Interpretation at Michigan State University.
- Adjunct Professor Heritage Interpretation (summer heritage tourism institutes) North
Carolina State University, New York State University.
- NAI Certified Interpretive Planner and Trainer
- NAI Fellow
- Certified Professional Heritage Interpreter (Canada).
- Author of several interpretive planning/training college text books.
- Publisher of InterpNEWS - the International Heritage Interpretation e-Magazine.
- 40 years of interpretive planning, training and critiquing experience.
-Sr. Instructor - Kansas State University - Global Campus (Interpretive Planning).
What are the Units?
Unit One - Let's get organized. What are the submission requirements for the publication you want to submit your article to?
Unit Two - Developing your content outline - what do you want to say and illustrate and in what order?
Unit Three - Organizing and preparing your visuals (tables, charts, related graphics). Review for typo's and correct presentation of your research results. Make sure tables and charts are easy to read and understand and you have developed an easy to read analysis of what they present or illustrate. Make sure they fit the standards for submission for the publication you plan on sending it to.
Unit Four - Review your research results or the key findings or observations from your project and draft your analysis of just what your study found and how to present your findings or key points.
Unit Five - Based in the "submission requirements" for the publications you will be submitting your article to, and your content outline, begin to flesh out your content outline in more detail.
Unit Six - Write your article Abstract. In about 50-60 words, what was the hypothesis or main reason for your study and what were some of the key findings from your research or analysis.
Unit Seven - Let's start putting your article/paper together. First Section - what was the purpose of your study or project. What was your hypothesis or what did you want to learn and why?
Unit Eight - Second Section. What was your research/survey or analysis methodology? How did you work to reduce any research bias. How did you determine your sampling strategy and sample size? Put a copy of any survey tools in your appendix as an option.
Unit Nine - Third Section. What did your research, visitor survey or analysis reveal? What did you learn - presentation of your study results with clear interpretation of what the results mean. Did they support your hypothesis (if you had one)? What were any key results or findings. Or did the results prove "nothing new"? and why?
Unit Ten - Forth Section. How can other use your findings to make improvements in planning, program offerings, marketing or other ways. What was the point of your study if no one could actually USE the results from the study?
Unit 11 - References and Citations - review the format from the submission guidelines for the publication you are submitting your paper too.
Unit 12 - Proof read and proof read again. Make sure there are no typo's or errors, especially in tables or charts.
Unit 13 - Let's send it off - developing your cover letter and format for your submission.
Note: if you will be submitting your article or paper at the end of this course, the course instructor will review the publication with you to help ensure you success in having your contribution accepted for publication.
For our e-LIVE courses, all assignments from each unit will be sent to Prof. Veverka for review and comments or coaching. You can talk with John whenever you need to by phone, SKYPE, or e-mail. John will be YOUR personal coach for this course and will be happy to help with your article/paper preparation.
When will the course start? You can start this course at any time and work at your own pace. It is estimated that it will take about 30 hours to complete this course. The cost of the 30 hours of training is $300.00 USD, which can be paid for by credit card or PayPal via the Pay Now button below.
If you're interested in this course and would like to enroll in it - send an e-mail to John at: jvainterp@aol.com for a registration form. If you have any questions at all feel free to ask. Then return to this page to John and pay the course tuition.
Prof. John Veverka
JVA Heritage Interpretation Training Center
SKYPE: jvainterp
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