Planning/Designing Interpretive Panels e-LIVE Course - 10 Units
awarding 1.5 CEU Credits

Are you ready for e-LIVE interpretive training?
JVA is pleased to announce the development of the our planning interpretive panels course. We feel that any interpretive training experience should be taught by professional Certified Interpretive Trainers/Planners with college level degrees in heritage interpretation (ideally at the M.S. or Ph.D. levels) and/or with years of actual interpretive experience in the course topics being offered, to deliver college level interpretive training courses based on real world experience.
Who is this course for?
This course is for any individual or organization involved in the planning, design and/or contracting for outdoor interpretive panels and wayside exhibits: landscape architects, park planners, interpretive planners, recreation specialists, interpretive specialists, environmental education specialists or others responsible for the planning, design and media development for interpretive panels. This course will be especially valuable for staff charge with contracting for interpretive panels who have no formal advanced training (university level courses) specifically in interpretive communications or interpretive media planning, design and evaluation.

Course Goals:
Participants will:
- Understand what makes an interpretive panel"interpretive".
- Gain an understanding of interpretive panel planning elements and interpretive standards.
- Gain an understanding to the total interpretive planning process interpretive media would be
apart of.
- Understand how visitors using interpretive panel learn and remember during a interpretive
- Learn of the current medium and materials available for outdoor interpretive panels.
- Learn of design standards and new technology for outdoor interpretive panels.
- Feel confident in planning and designing successful interpretive panel experiences.
Your final project for this course will be:
Develop an interpretive panel mock-up for a outdoor interpretive panel project you might be working on. (The course is set up for you to develop your panel plan and deign step-by-step, from each unit in the course. Final projects are flexible depending on your specific needs.
About the Instructor: Prof. John Veverka

Interpretive panel critiquing in Slovenia (National Parks).
- B.S and M.S in Heritage Interpretation - The Ohio State University
- Ph.D. program in Interpretation at Michigan State University.
- Adjunct Professor Heritage Interpretation (summer heritage tourism institutes) North
Carolina State University, New York State University.
- NAI Certified Interpretive Planner and Trainer
- NAI Fellow
- Certified Professional Heritage Interpreter (Canada).
- Author of several interpretive planning/training college text books.
- Publisher of InterpNEWS - the International Heritage Interpretation e-Magazine.
- 40 years of interpretive planning, training and writing experience.
How will e-LIVE work?
Our e-LIVE courses are open all the time. You can start the course when you want and complete the course at your own pace. - You'll be given course content to read and interact with for each unit.
- JVA will provide you with reading, text book and articles as part of the course.
- You'll be given a writing assignment for each unit which you will send to John for review, comments and writing coaching. You'll be able to talk with John about each assignment via SKYPE, or by e-mail or phone. Thus the e-LIVE opportunity. John will be your instructor and writing coach who you can talk with at any time about your assignments.
- When you've completed each course unit you'll be sent the next unit for the course. Again, you'll be given writing assignments for that unit to submit to John for review, comments and writing coaching.
- When you've completed the Units you will be awarded a certificate of completion and 1.5 CEU (Continuing Education Unit) credits.
Additionally, you can work on writing assignment for actual projects you may be working on - museum labels, marketing materials or other interpretive writing projects. That is the benefit of e-LIVE - we are flexible in designing the course to meet your real-world needs.
The estimated completion time of the course is 15 hours - and you can work at your own pace.
What are the units?
Unit One - Let's review what makes an interpretive panel "Interpretive".
Unit Two - The Interpretive Panning Process for Panels
Unit Three - Interpretive Theme and Objectives for your panels.
Unit Four - Understanding how your audience can relate to your panels.
*Interpretive Writing Standards
* Tangibles and Intangibles
* A picture can be worth 1000 words (but the wrong 1000 words).
Unit Five - Graphic selections (yours, theirs, or google)?
Unit Six - Developing your draft layout - the wonders of WORD.
- Provocative headers
- Sub headers and headline strategies.
- Using interpretive principles
- graphic selections and placement
- captions
Unit Seven - Once you have your draft mock-up... Evaluate
Unit Eight - Interpretive panel materials selection - what to make it out of?
No square panels please :)
Mounting systems and options.
Unit Nine - Writing a "Request for Proposals" for interpretive panel design and fabrication. Who should I send my RFP too anyway?
Unit 10 - Final project - your draft interpretive panel criquque.
This Course is now ready to "go live" . You'll be able to register this course by sending an e-mail to John Veverka (he will send you the simple registration form), and then pay for the course via credit card or Pay Pal by clicking the "PAY NOW" button below. The cost for the 15 hours of training with live interaction with the instructor is $125.00 USD.
If you're interested in this course and would like to enroll in it - send an e-mail to John at: We will send you a course enrollment form. Then you can return to this web site page to pay for the course and get started.
Feel free to contact John if you have any questions at all.
Contact John at:
Skype: jvainterp
To pay for this course using paypal or your credit card - click the "buy now" button. If you are using paypal just delete "my" e-mail address and enter your paypay account details. Simple as that.
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