Planning/Design and Writing for
Interpretive Panels 4-Week Course
Developing Interpretive Panels for Zoos, Botanical Gardens,
Natural Areas And Heritage Sites
Mentored/Coached by Prof. John Veverka
2023 Course Dates TBD
Course Tuition $200.00

The 4-week panels course has been developed and will be mentored/coached by Prof. John Veverka - Director of the Heritage Interpretation Training Center and with 40 years of experience as an interpretive planning consultant.

Prof. Veverka Critiquing Stonehenge Panels (left) - John V. US Army Corps of Engineers Heritage Interpretation Training Course - planning and design of draft interpretive panels practicum (right).

Veverka panel draft design for Cape May National Seashore - bird breeding habitat area closure panel.
Course participants will receive:
- Interpretive Master Planning Text Books
- Broads Authority National Park Interpretive Graphic Standards
- US Army Corps of Engineers Interpretive Graphic Standards
- Interpretive Panel Fabrication Materials Review
- Interpretive Writing Principles
- Panel evaluation strategies.
- Developing RFP's (Requests for Proposals for panel fabrication contracting)
- Lots of other panel design examples.
- Time to work on your individual panel drafts with mentoring (coaching).
- A Certificate of Completion from the Heritage Interpretation Training Center
with two (2) CEU unit credits.
Prof. Veverka will offer weekly ZOOM meetings and discussions. You can also contact Prof. Veverka at any time via e-mail or SKYPE to address any personal project questions at jvainterp@aol.com.
Due to providing adequate time for Prof. Veverka to provide mentor/coaching to participants working on their projects, this course will be limited to 10 participants.
Course Registration
- Contact Prof. Veverka to enroll in the course by e-mail (jvainterp@aol.com) or by SKYPE if you have more questions. If you like, you can register one person for the course but have a team working with you on a panel project.
- Pay the course tuition via the course web site PayPal button at the bottom of the web site page.
- Prof Veverka will send you by e-mail initial course text books and resource materials.
- We will have a course orientation meeting via ZOOM for participants on the 28 th of Feb - time to be decided based participant time zones.
Course Weekly Content Structure
Week One
- Overview of the panel interpretive planning process.
* Objectives for panels to be successful messaging media.
* Interpretive Themes to connect panels with site main theme.
* Who are the audiences the panels has to relate to?
- Panel interpretive planning forms.
- Overview of panel designs and fabrication materials
- Economics of Interpretive Panels (overview of costs)
- Developing your interpretive panel(s) planning/draft strategy/timeline.
- Developing your individual course panel(s) project.
- Weekly ZOOM discussions with course instructor.
Week Two
- Interpretive writing for panel text (100 words).
- Panel psychology - connecting to your audience.
- Marriage between written text and graphics.
- Considering panel physical design(s), colors, font and text styles.
- A picture can be worth 1000 words - but the wrong 1000 words. :
- Structure of Provoke, Relate and Reveal.
- Interpretive writing practicum (or draft text for your panel project(s).
- Weekly ZOOM discussions with course instructor.
Week Three
- Developing your draft panel design and structure (using the interpretive panel planning form check list).
- Planning and drafting your panel layout - marriage with text and graphics.
- Review your panel size and maintenance issues related to panel fabrication materials.
- Your draft panel(s) mentoring and coaching with the course instructor.
- Submit drafts for review and discussion.
- Share your draft panels with other course participants via ZOOM discussions.
Week Four
- Pre and post evaluation -testing your panel(s) design and text. Are your objectives being accomplished? Does your panel presentation relate to your audiences?
- Contracting out your final panel design and fabrication - developing a request for proposal for your panel fabrications.
- Final ZOOM presentation of your panel project.
Course tuition can be paid by PayPal or Credit Card.
Just click the BuyNow button to pay for the
course tuition $200.00
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