Certified Professional Heritage Interpreter certification program.
While other organizations offer professional certificates in heritage interpretation, our Certified Professional Interpreter Certificates are far more content extensive, taught at a university level, and more in-depth learning experiences than any of the other interpretive certificates. They offer more current content and interpretive examples and case studies, hands-on learning experiences and direct content with the Certificate Manager/Trainer and Coach throughout your Certification experience.
Who is the Certified Professional Heritage Interpreter certificates program for?
- Individuals wanting a career in/as a professional interpreter.
- Individuals currently working as an interpretive planner, trainer or another interpretive specialist,
but have had no college-level training in interpretive planning and related interpretive planning for interpretive media or interpretive training services.
- Consulting firms offering interpretive planning/design services whose staff does not have
professional training actually in interpretive planning or college degrees majoring in heritage interpretation.
- Individuals working in the interpretive profession who do not have a B.S. or M.S degree
majoring in heritage interpretation or who have had only one or two courses in heritage
interpretation and want to advance the professional knowledge of the interpretive profession.
- Folks who wish to use this professional certification for an agency or personal advancement.
-Interpreters with an insatiable desire to learn and be the best they can in interpretation - knowledge is
- Based on a University Course progression system consisting of completing actual courses in interpretation, not just taking one course, one open book test and mainly paying the certification course fee. These Certificate courses are offered in a content sequence leading up to the final course in developing your unique interpretive project or visitor experience.
- Awards CEU (Continuing Education Units) credits for the certification programs and each individual course that is offered as part of the certificate program. While you can work on the certificate programs at your own pace, the estimated completion time is 10 months.
Our Certification course waiver program.
Unlike some certificate programs, our certification requires participants to actually take/complete courses related to the certification you are working toward. You can visit the web site page for each certifiation program for course requirements. Now I know that many folks have asked about courses they already have taken - so we offer a course waiver program for work already previously completed in your interpretive training. So we can waiver certification courses for:
- College courses you have completed in heritage interpretation as part of a B.S. M.S or other degree program.
- Courses you have previously completed through the Heritage Interpretation Training Center.
- Other professional training courses previously taken, such as the 4-day US Army Corps of Engineers Interpretive Services courses (waiver for the Introduction to Interpretation certification course).
Training partners offering professional training in interpretation and museum studies where HITC Certification Courses can be waivered when successfully completed:
- Museum Study Courses in interpretation or in museum related interpretation through the Museum Study on-line courses. Museum Study, LLC, Phone: 612 790-1645
E-mail: contact@MuseumStudy.com, www.museumstudy.com/contact-us/
- Northern States Conservation Center peggy@collectioncare.org ,303-757-7962 www.collectioncare.org, www.Museumclasses.org
- And like with a University degree program - we can arrange course waivers for actual work or academic accomplishments (having articles published, teaching interpretive courses for seasonal staff or volunteers, extensive writing projects for exhibits, etc. Feel free to contact us about "special studies" waivers for certification courses.
About the Instructor/coach: John Veverka

- B.S and M.S in Heritage Interpretation - The Ohio State University
- Ph.D. program in Interpretation at Michigan State University.
- Adjunct Professor Heritage Interpretation (summer heritage tourism institutes) North Carolina
State University,
- New York State University. Adjunct Professor, Heritage Tourism Institute.
- NAI Certified Interpretive Planner and Trainer
- NAI Fellow
- Certified Professional Heritage Interpreter (Canada).
- Author of several interpretive planning/training college textbooks.
- Publisher of InterpNEWS - the International Heritage Interpretation e-Magazine.
- 40 years of interpretive planning, training and writing experience.
- Director, The Heritage Interpretation Training Center
Here is a list of our current Certified Professional
Heritage Interpreter certification programs:
Certified Professional Interpretive Planner certificate program.

Certified Professional Interpretive Planner certification course: Cost: $1500.00
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"Certified Professional
Interpretive Trainer and Coach Certificate Program"

Our Certified Professional Interpretive Trainer Certificate is far more content extensive, taught at a university level, and more in-depth than any of the other non HITC interpretive certificates. It offers more current content, hands-on learning experiences, and direct content with the Certificate Manager/Trainer and Coach throughout your Certification experience. It is based on 40 years of offering and conducting interpretive training workshops and courses world-wide.
Certified Professional Interpretive Trainer certification program: $700.00
Note- the tuition cost includes five (5) individual interpretive courses and One-on-One interaction and coaching with the Certificate Manager/coach. All text books and reference materials, and individual consultation on your interpretive planning project is included.
If you would like to sign up for our Certified Professional Interpretive Trainer certificate program, you can pay the Certification tuition via PayPal or credit card. You can also contact John Veverka (jvainterp@aol.com) or visit the website above for the certification program content details.
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The Heritage Interpretation Training Center is pleased to offer our
"Certified Professional Heritage Interpreter
Certificate Program"

Certification program payment ($700.00)
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The Heritage Interpretation Training Center.
Certified Professional Interpretive Writer certificate program.

Certification Program Tuition: $700.00
Costs include five (5) seperate interpretive courses as part of the certification.
The "final exam" for the Certified Professional Interpretive Writer certificate is you submitting an article (interpretive topic of your choice) for publication in InterpNEWS, or submitted for review to the NAI Journal of Interpretation Research.
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New Certification opportunities are under development:
- Certified Interpretive Exhibit Planner and Evaluator.
-Certified Interpretive Manager/Supervisor.
-Certified Interpretive Program/Services Evaluator.