Facilitating Focus Workshops for Interpretive Planning Projects.
A Short Course for Interpretive Planners.

Course tuition: $100.00
Are you ready for e-LIVE interpretive training? JVA (John Veverka & Associates) is pleased to offer a new course developed by Professor John Veverka. We feel that any interpretive training experience should be taught by professional Certified Interpretive Trainers with college level degrees in heritage interpretation (ideally at the M.S. or Ph.D. levels) and/or with years of actual interpretive experience in the courses being offered, to deliver college level interpretive training courses. We also know that while many folks would like to attend formal interpretive training courses, time away from the office/home, course fees, and related travel expenses often made this an expensive proposition. With e-LIVE the coach comes to you.
First meet me here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fqwheQfra9o
About the Instructor: Prof. John Veverka

- B.S and M.S in Heritage Interpretation - The Ohio State University
- Ph.D. program in Interpretation at Michigan State University.
- Adjunct Professor Heritage Interpretation (summer heritage tourism institutes) North Carolina State University,
- New York State University. Adjunct Professor, Heritage Tourism Institute.
- NAI Certified Interpretive Planner and Trainer
- NAI Fellow
- Certified Professional Heritage Interpreter (Canada).
- Author of several interpretive planning/training college text books.
- Publisher of InterpNEWS - the International Heritage Interpretation e-Magazine.
- 40 years of interpretive planning, training and writing experience.
How does e-LIVE work?
- You'll be given course content to read and interact with for each unit.
- JVA will provide you with reading assignments, text book and reference articles as part of the course. That you keep for your library.
- You'll be given a assignment for each unit which you'll send to John for review, comments and planning coaching. You'll be able to talk with John about each assignment via SKYPE, or by e-mail or phone. Thus the e-LIVE opportunity. John will be your instructor and interpretive coach who you can talk with at any time about your assignments. Remember that John is in Michigan (Eastern Time Zone), so it's best to e-mail John to set up a time to chat.
- When you've completed each course unit you'll be sent the next unit for the course. Again, you'll be given writing assignments for that unit to submit to John for review, comments and writing coaching.
- When you've completed the eight units you'll be awarded a Certificate of Completion and 1.5 CEU (Continuing Education Unit) credits.
Additionally, you can work on your focus workshop activity you may be working on - that is the benefit of e-LIVE - we are flexible in designing the course to meet your real-world needs.
The estimated completion time of the course is about 12 hours - and you can work at your own pace.
What are the units?
Unit One - What is a focus workshop?
Unit Two - Planning for your focus workshop.
Unit Three - Examples of focus workshop products (Themes, Objectives and Storyline flow) to use as a model for you.
Unit Four - The steps and strategies for YOUR focus workshop, from our past focus workshops.
Unit Five - What to do with your focus workshop results - developing your theme, sub-themes, objectives and more.
Unit Six - developing your storyline flow chart - putting your story together.
Unit Seven - your final focus workshop product - the first chapter in your interpretive plan.
Unit Eight - Your next steps - the rest of the interpretive planning process.
Course Costs and Registration.
The cost for the 12 hours training with live interaction with the instructor is $100.00 USD.
You can pay via credit card or Pay Pal. You can also pay by check or purchase order to bill your agency.
Here is how to register for the course:
1. Pay the course tuition at the "Pay Now" button below, and we can get you started with Unit one right away. Simple as that.
In you have any questions at all, please feel free to ask.
For Payment by credit card or paypal:
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