The Heritage Interpretation Training Center.
Certified Professional Interpretive Writer certificate program.

While other organizations offer certified interpretive certificates, our Certified Professional Interpretive Writer Certificate is far more content extensive, taught at a university level, and more in-depth than any of the other interpretive certificates. It offers more current content and interpretive writing examples and case studies, hands-on learning experiences and direct content with the Certificate Manager/Trainer and Coach throughout your Certification experience.
Who is the Certified Professional Interpretive Writer certificate program for?
- Individuals wanting a career in/as a professional interpreter, publication editor, newsletter editor, writing for interpretive copy for exhibits, panels, audio devices and related interpretive media and writing for profesional articles for journals or related magazines.
- Individuals currently working as an interpretive writer for consulting firms or for their respective agencies. but have had no college-level training in interpretive writing and related interpretive planning media and services.
- Consulting firms offering interpretive writing services whose staff does not have professional training actually in interpretive writing or college degrees majoring in heritage interpretation.
- Folks who wish to use this professional certification for an agency or personal advancement.
- Interpreters with an insatiable desire to learn and be the best they can in interpretation -
knowledge is power.
-The certificate and certification is not the goal, the goal is everything you will learn and gain in its pursuit A college degree might have been your goal, but what you learned and accomplished to get that "piece of paper" was what will get you the job or advancement you worked to achieve.
Our Certified Professional Interpretive Writer Certificate is:
- Taught and coached by interpretive writer, author and editor of InterpNEWS (the International Heritage Interpretation e-Magazine). John is also an associate editor for The Journal Of Interpretation Research (NAI). John Veverka brings 40 years of actual interpretive planning and writing experience, as well as years of teaching university courses in interpretation. This includes developing and teaching a course on interpretive master planning at the Ohio State University and teaching introductory and advanced courses in heritage interpretation at Michigan State University. John is the author of the new interpretive writing text book that will be provided to participants in the certificate program.
- Based on a University Course progression system consisting of completing five (5) actual courses in interpretation, not just taking one course, one open book test and mainly paying the certification course fee. This Certificate course is offered in a content sequence leading up to the final course in developing your interpretive articles - and having an article published in InterpNEWS or submitted for reveiw to the NAI Journal of Interpretation Research.
- Awards 12 CEU (Continuing Education Units) credits for the Certification and each individual course that is offered as part of the Certificate Program. While you can work on the certificate at your own pace, the estimated completion time is 10 months.
Required courses as part of the Certified Professional Interpretive Writer
certificate completion:
Introduction to Heritage Interpretation Course. 14 Units - 2 CEU credits. A review of interpretive basics in case you never had a college-level course in interpretive principles, practices or theory.
Interpretive Writing e-LIVE Course - 8 Units and 2 CEU Credits - Interpretive planners do lots of writing, not only the interpretive plan itself but writing for interpretive panels, exhibits, brochures or other interpretive media. You must learn to Provoke, Relate and Reveal your stories or messages.
Advanced Interpretive Writing for Technical Publications,
Interpretation Journal Research Articles and for Related Professional Publications.
13 Units, 3 CEU Credits.
Interpretive Planning & Design and writing cope for Marketing Brochures. 15 Units, 2.5 CEU credits. This form of interpretive writing marries graphics with catchy text and motivates potential visitors to want the experiences being marketed.
Advanced Interpretive Techniques -Interpreting the "rest of the story".
Interpreting "the rest of the story", a powerful Interpretive communications technique for revealing and releasing the "rest of the stories" hidden in artifacts, objects, historical figures/events, landscapes, or sites through both live presentations and interpretive media text and label copy. 12 Units, 2.5 CEU Credits,
So many "rest of the stories" to tell - releasing the secrets - if you're interested I'll send you the rest of the story for this pic so it doesn't bug you too much wondering - :)
The "final exam" for the Certified Professional Interpretive Writer certificate is you submitting an article (interpretive topic of your choice) for publication in InterpNEWS, or submitted for review to the NAI Journal of Interpretation Research. Our Nov/Dec 2018 issue cover. Want to read InterpNEWS - Subscriptions are free - they are also posted at www.issuu.com/interpnews.
While there is a recommended sequencing of courses, just as with any university degree program, from introductory to more advanced courses, depending on your own background and training/experience, you are allowed to undertake more than one course at a time. It is estimated that the average time needed to complete all the required courses, would be approximately 10 months. All the individual courses are "work at on your own pace" and as fast or as slow as you need to.
All individual courses and their units include:
1. YouTube video instruction for each individual course unit.
2. Interpretive textbooks (e-books) and reference materials.
3. Reading assignments and materials.
4. Homework assignments to be sent directly to the course certificate manager.
5. You may chat with, call or SKYPE with the course coach as needed - you have a LIVE
instructor. This is NOT an "internet-only" course.
Upon Completion of the Certified Professional Interpretive Planner certificate course, you will receive:
- Twelve (12) CEU unit credits.
- A written transcript of the courses completed for the certification.
- A certificate of completion and Certification Pin.
- A Certification Logo for you to use on your website or other electronic media.
- A cover letter listing all the courses you have completed as part of the Certification program.
- A listing of your name on our new Certified Professional Heritage Interpreter website with a
link to your e-mail or website (as desired).
Note: unlike other certifications, you will NOT have to do everything over again in four years. This is a lifetime Certification.
Certified Professional Interpretive Writer certification program: Cost: $700.00
Note- the tuition cost includes all five individual interpretive courses, One-on-One interaction and coaching with the Certificate Manager/coach. All textbooks and reference materials, and individual consultation on your interpretive planning project as needed.
Note: If you have already completed any of the HITC courses that are a part of the certification program, you will receive credit for that course and the course fee will be reduced.
If you would like to sign up for our Certified Professional Interpretive Writer certificate, can pay the Certification tuition via PayPal or credit card
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For any question please feel free to contact me:
John Veverka
Director, HITC
You can start the course as soon as the certification payment is received. Prior to starting the course you are encouraged to chat with the course manager, John Veverka, to provide academic advising for you on the courses and course sequences, or answer any questions you may have.