How to use interpretation to make a profit
and grow a commercial heritage tourism business for
resorts, cruise ships, campgrounds and tourism sites.

15 Units - 3 CEU Credits
Tuition: $700.00
Interpretation products, services and experiences have mostly been thought of for non-profit agencies, parks, museums and related organizations. But interpretive communications was given birth from a marketing, advertising and consumer psychology background. You can use interpretive services experiences for increasing visitation and profits to resorts, commercial campgrounds and any fee-based commercial attraction. Interpretive products and services can, if developed, managed and advertised properly, make a profit and grow an audience.
An example: Alcatraz Island Prison in San Francisco developed self-guiding audio tours for their cell house tour. The cost for developing the master tour for the tour was $80,000.00 which included interviewing past guards and convicts once imprisoned there. I know that seems like a lot, but based on the number of visitors/year and the rental fee, the rental for the cell house tour media generated almost $1,000,000 in sales/rentals per year, and still does today.
For a resort, developing new experiences such as interpretive trails, viewing decks, guided walks, self-guiding media, programs for children and families, etc, can expand resort visitor numbers for those market groups that are looking for those "family value" outdoor recreational discovery experiences for example, or create new interpretive experiences for a diversity of new market groups.
Our development financial philosophy for commercial attractions considering adding and using interpretive experiences for their site is: for every $1.00 you invest in interpretation you should gain $5.00 - $10.00 in benefits - return on your investment. If this gets your attention, then this course will help you with developing your business by adding natural, cultural or historical interpretation experiences within your site, resort, campground or commercial tourism attraction.
This course will:
* Provide you with a solid overview of new and updated interpretive concepts and techniques for commercial product and experience planning, design and costing.
* Give you additional expertise in being an commercial/economic interpretive planning project manager.
* Give you direction in updating your site product and experience analysis in relationship to market profiles your have or want to add and develop.
* Give you specific details on new concepts of mass customization, experience economy and market of One analysis and product/experience development.
* Give you updated and new strategies for using interpretation to help accomplish your financial and marketing objectives and a reality based projected growth and sustainability model.
As an e-LIVE course, you'll send all assignments to Prof. Veverka, and can call, SKYPE, chat and receive advice and coaching on different course units throughout the course. The course content can be focused on your particular commercial attraction/business development and needs. As with business - one size does not fit all.
About the Instructor: Prof. John Veverka

- B.S and M.S in Heritage Interpretation - The Ohio State University (Taught a course on
Interpretive Master Planning - wrote the first Interpretive Planning Text book).
- Ph.D. program in Interpretation at Michigan State University. (Taught introduction and
advanced interpretive courses including interpretive planning units.)
- Adjunct Professor Heritage Interpretation (summer heritage tourism institutes) North
Carolina State University, New York State University.
- NAI Certified Interpretive Planner and Trainer
- NAI Fellow
- Certified Professional Heritage Interpreter (Canada).
- Author of several interpretive planning/training college text books.
- Publisher of InterpNEWS - the International Heritage Interpretation e-Magazine.
- 40 years of interpretive planning, training and writing experience.
The Course Units:
Unit One - Why heritage attractions need interpretation for their long-term survival.
Unit Two - What business are you in - really - and the "product of the product".
Unit Three- The "brand" and the "brand new" - are you ready?
Unit Four - Interpretive planning and assessment for commercial attractions - an overview.
Unit Five- The experience economy and markets of one - the moments of creation and risk.
Unit Six - Your experience and product assessment - what's working, what' not and why?
Unit Seven - Local, regional competition analysis. How to be new and newer.
Unit Eight - Market group analysis - what are your visitors really looking for? Ask them!
Unit Nine- Matching your interpretive experiences and products with existing and potential new market groups.
Unit Ten - Planning, designing and costing new interpretive media, services and experiences. Are you ready for the investment?
Unit Eleven - Pre-testing and pilot testing for new interpretive experiences and products.
Unit Twelve - Marketing, advertising and your experience change strategy. Updating your marketing plan and advertising focus.
Unit Thirteen - Developing your marketing tracking strategy - visitor experience demands and preferences.
Unit Fourteen - The five year plan from when you want it to when it's actually working.
Unit Fifteen - Keep changing - your visitors will always want a new roll-a-coaster. Plan on it.
If you would like more details on this advanced course please feel free to contact me. If you would like to enroll in this course, first contact me for a Registration Form. Then you can return to this page, click on the Pay Now button below, and off we go to get you started. Course tuition is: $700.00 USD. This course provides a lot of one-on-one coaching and advice.
Prof. John Veverka
SKYPE: jvaintep
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