Conducting A Feasibility Analysis Before Developing New
Interpretive Centers, Nature Centers and Small Museums.

If you build it they may not come - or at least in the numbers needed!
So how can you know for sure before you build it?
Nine Units - 2 CEU Credits
It is not uncommon for new interpretive facilities (interpretive centers, nature centers, small museums) that are newly built to have financial problems due to a variety of factors, including over-estimating visitation, memberships, financial cash flow and other variables such as increased (and under estimated) overhead and staffing costs. Doing a feasibility analysis before deciding to build new facilities helps provide a reality check before you commit to new construction and the related operation costs. This course is designed to give you a hand in looking at the feasibility analysis process, things to consider, formulas to use in projecting visitation and other useful guidelines.
First - Visit with me here on YouTube:
Course Instructor:
Prof. John Veverka

- B.S and M.S in Heritage Interpretation - The Ohio State University
- Ph.D. program in Interpretation at Michigan State University.
- Adjunct Professor Heritage Interpretation (summer heritage tourism institutes) North
Carolina State University, New York State University.
- NAI Certified Interpretive Planner and Trainer
- NAI Fellow
- Certified Professional Heritage Interpreter (Canada).
- Author of several interpretive planning/training college text books.
- Publisher of InterpNEWS - the International Heritage Interpretation e-Magazine.
- 40 years of interpretive planning, training and critiquing experience.
The Units:
Unit One - what kind of facility do you need - how large, the demonstrated need, the facility objectives.
Unit Two - finances and cash flow - where will funding come from for construction vs. funding for day-to-day operations (fees for services, memberships, grants, other support).
Unit Three - Projected visitation (formula for projecting demand and visitation for a totally new facility - People at One time at highest visitation day and time). This tells you how much floor space you will need as well as facility infrastructure like restooms, classrooms, parking and related support services.
Unit Four - Operation costs per different facility sizes - estimates. How large and comples of a facility can you really afford?
Unit Five - competition analysis - what organizations within a 50 mile radius is providing similar servies as you plan to offer. What are their visitor number and seasonal visitation trends.
Will you be competing for or sharing their visitors?
Unit Six - regional and experience based market base sharing with other sites, attractions and agencies. Partnerships as part of feasibility and sustainability.
Unit Seven - Staffing requirements, staffing flow chart - staffing costs (who will pay for staff - an larger agency such as a park district or other government entitiy - or will you have to self-fund for staffing.
Unit Eight - The conditions. What conditions will have to be met for the new facility you have plannned or want to be devloped to be feasible and sustainable over the long term.
Unit Nine - And the answer is? What is your final assessment as to the feasibility of the developmment, construction , operation and sustainability of the planned new facility?
For our e-LIVE courses, all assignments from each unit will be sent to Prof. Veverka for reveiw and comments or coaching. You can talk with John whenever you need to by phone, SKYPE, or e-mail. John will be YOUR personal coach for this course and will be happy to help with your feasibility analysis.
When will the course start? You can start this course at any time and work at your own pace. It is estimated that it will take about 16 hours to complete this course. The cost of the 16 hours of training is $150.00 USD, which can be paid for by credit card or PayPal via the Pay Now button below.
If you're interested in this course and would like to enroll in it - send an e-mail to John at: for a registration form. If you have any questions at all feel free to ask. Then return to this page to pay for the course tuition.
Prof. John Veverka
JVA Heritage Interpretation International Training Center
Interpretive Training Division
SKYPE: jvainterp
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