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InterpSHARE - Seminars 2022

October 2022 Interpretive Seminars.

For each seminar, handout materials will be provided. The seminars will allow time for questions and discussions. The seminars are offered via ZOOM and start at 1:00pm - 2:00 pm (Eastern Time) each Wednesday. The seminars are offered by Prof. John Veverka (Director - The Heritage Interpretation Training Center).
Seminar tuitions are only $10.00 each and include resource materials and the seminar zoom link sent to you prior to each seminar.

John teaching a heritage interpretation course
at Lithuania University.


October 5th - 1:00pm - 2:00 pm Eastern Time - Principles of Storytelling and "The rest of the story".

The seminar includes a copy of the InterpNEWS Special Issue on Storytelling (left) and the story of how Coyote Stole Fire (right).

(The website for the full course:

Interpreting artifacts left behind or created by their owners are often in need of a storyteller
to reveal the secret meaning lock in artifacts, landscapes and cultural sites and abandoned buildings. This seminar will focus on giving you the steps to research and plan your stories and some dramatic storytelling techniques.

To register and pay the seminar tuition of $10.00 just use the PayNow button below. The seminar resource materials and seminar zoom link will be sent to you.


October12 - 1:00pm - 2:00 pm Eastern Time -Interpreting Cemeteries and Gravestones. Planning and Delivery of Cemetery Tours.

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InterpNEWS Resource Issue on "the Day of the Dead" and planning cemetery tours will be provided for the seminar

(The website for the full course:

If there's one thing we all have in common,
no matter where we live or what country we live in - at some point in time we could probably become an interpretive moment in some cemetery somewhere. It is a huge "universal concept" - thus our attraction to old, historic graveyards and the stones that reach through time to tell us something about their below-ground owners.
Seminar tuition is only $10.00

To register and pay the seminar tuition of $10.00 just use the PayNow button below. The seminar resource materials and seminar zoom link will be sent to you.


October 19th - 1:00pm - 2:00 pm Eastern Time -Training for Interpretive Trainers - (How to teach interpretation techniques and principles to docents, volunteers and seasonal staff).

John Veverka training courses (4 days). Interpretive philosophy and theory, planning and design of interpretive media and planning and delivery of interpretive tours.

(The website for the full course:

There's more to teaching interpretation principles and techniques, there's also how to coach interpretive staff and to critique their tours or programs. Here are hints on how to do that.

To register and pay the seminar tuition of $10.00 just use the PayNow button below. The seminar resource materials and seminar zoom link will be sent to you.


October 26th - 1:00pm - 2:00 pm Eastern Time -Planning for Interpretive Experiences.

Planning for "living history experiences (hobo interpreting the depression era) left - and a tour guide interpreting native wildlife experiences.

(The website for the full course:

Employing The Experience Economy, Markets of One and Experiential Planning Concepts and Strategies For Heritage Sites and Attractions. Creating Unique stories married with unique experiences.

To register and pay the seminar tuition of $10.00 just use the PayNow button below. The seminar resource materials and seminar zoom link will be sent to you.

Any questions please feel free to ask:
Prof. John Veverka
Heritage Interpretation Training Center

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