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InterpSHARE Seminars for May 2022

The Heritage Interpretation Training Center
New FREE Seminars Provided via Zoom

Free Interpretation Seminars
For May 2022

Hi Folks, attached is the list for my FREE InterpSHARE ZOOM seminars for May 2022. I wanted to focus on issues that look at just why a lot of interpretive media fail don't actually accomplish anything, and are NOT cost effective. These seminars are based on years of my work in evaluation of interpretive media and services and interpretive planning. Each 1-hour seminar will provide highlights from my full college level courses on each topic I offer through my Heritage Interpretation Training Center. For course details you can check out my full course catalog:

As with all my InterpSHARE seminars, participation is free - my goal is to contribute what I've learned over 40 years as an interpretive planner/trainer and professor and pass it on to others to help our profession grow.

If you would like to participate in any InterpShare Seminar for May, just send me an e-mail with which seminar(s) you wish to attend and I will add you to the participant list and send you the zoom seminar link and resources before each seminar. All seminars include free teaching aides and handout materials to help you build your interpretive reference library.

Let's keep our interpretive knowledge expanding through InterpSHARE.

Prof. John Veverka (John)


Free InterpSHARE
Interpretive Seminars for May 2022

Do Interpretive Panels Really Accomplish Anything for their Cost?
11th May, 2022. 1:00 - 2:00PM Eastern Time.

For the past 40 years I've been involved in developing Interpretive Panel projects and evaluating panels in pre-tests to see what, if anything, they might accomplish. Most NPS style Interpretive Panels - installed - cost about $4,000.00 each, yet we have no idea if these panels accomplish anything. Why not? Let's chat about the problems with panels cost/contact and cost/effectiveness and how to fix this eh?

Exhibits that fail us without really trying.
18 May 2022 - 1:00 - 2:00 PM Eastern Time.

Over the many of years I have been involved in interpretive exhibit planning, design critique and evaluation I have learned that a lot of expensive exhibits simply don't deliver a cost effective product - or in some cases - any products (their objectives being accomplished if they indeed had objectives). At the Sioux Falls Science Museum pre-test/post-test evaluation project - some exhibits we tested created "negative learning". So I think it's time to talk about why so many exhibits fail - and how do we fix them?

Exhibit planning and evaluation handout will be provided to participants.

Interpretive Trails Stuck in the 1980's - time for a wake-up call?
25th of May, 2022. 1:00 - 2:00 PM Eastern Time.

First, I love self-guiding interpretive trails! The problems are usually the interpretive stories, theme or message they try to present. Many interpretive trails are Wikipedia on a stick. No theme, no provoke, relate and reveal, and haven't changed the message of the trail interpretation for years. I call them orphan interpretive media - developed once then forgotten. It's time to apply the concepts of mass customization, experience economy and markets of one to our interpretive trail planning an interpretive options. Can one interpretive trail have 20 different interpretive themes and experiences? YES. Let's talk about bringing interpretive trails to the 2022's and beyond.

My new "Interpretive Trails Book" will be included for participants.


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